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Top 5 Reasons Why Morning Routines Are Vital For Success

4 Things To Keep In Mind When Making The Best Morning Routine

Creating the perfect morning routine is a bit tough. Knowing what to do, what activities to skip, and how to approach the task can be challenging if you have never made a morning routine. To help you out, I will discuss four essential things to remember when creating a perfect morning routine.

All four additional tips apply to any morning routine, no matter your preferred style. Additionally, you can use these tips when improving your morning routine. Let's get started.

1. Make It Personal

The top tip for creating the best morning routine is to make it personal. Too many people assume someone else’s morning routine without personalizing it to their own goals and morning. The last thing you want out of your morning routine is for it not to reflect you.

Make your morning routine personal by creating a list of goals and desires you want out of the morning routine. Do you want more time? Do you want to feel less stressed in the morning? No matter your goals, make sure you have a clear idea of them to select activities that help you achieve them.

You may want to start by taking on someone else's morning routine, but pay attention to yourself. If something doesn't feel right, don't force it. What is excellent for one person may not be great for you. Make sure the routine is personal so that it improves your life. 

2. Don't Overdo It

Mornings are pretty confined. Don't make mornings more stressful than they have to be by adding on many different tasks in your morning routine. Instead, select a few rituals or activities to incorporate into your routine that enhance your goals and kickstart your morning.

Most people recommend having a morning routine that lasts about an hour. A one-hour routine gives you enough time to get things done without requiring you to wake up way earlier than you are used to. If your morning routine is only an hour, you can only do two or three morning rituals, depending on what they are.

3. Test and Improve

Once you know what you want from your morning routine and have selected a couple of rituals to try, test the routine by doing it a few mornings. To test the morning routine, complete it as though you have already committed to it.

If you feel something slightly wrong with the routine, change it. The morning routine is entirely about you. So, there's no shame in needing to drop an activity or add a new one. Just improve your morning routine to continue to be effective in your life.

4. Be Patient, but Don't Give Up

Finally, the last tip is to be patient and not give up. Staying in bed and ignoring your morning routine will be tempting when you first start. Be patient with yourself when you feel this way, but push through these temptations and commit to your routine. 

Only by committing to it can you achieve the goals you want. If you mess up one morning, don't beat yourself over it. Just get back on the saddle the very next day!

Download and listen to this episode with a journal to gain valuable insights and learn how to harness the power of your mind and create the life you desire.

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***This work is not meant to replace medical or counseling guidance from a qualified practitioner. Please get professional care if you are suffering from a physical or mental disease.