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8 Steps To Create The Best Year Of Your Life

Follow these 8 proven best practices to give yourself the maximum chance of creating your best year ever:

1. Understand Why you are not Successful Now

Understanding why you don’t have the success in your life that you want now is essential as it will help you to identify what you need to fix. Most people are unsuccessful because they don’t know what they want. They have no clear purpose and are just “winging it.” To create your best year ever, you need to have discipline in your life.

2. Identify what you want from your life

You can use the “key question technique” to ask yourself the right questions to identify what you want from life. Ask yourself “what does success mean to you?” and list your core values and beliefs. Your goals need to be a good fit. Think about the areas of your life that you want to improve, such as your career or business, finances, health, etc.

Go through each idea and imagine that you have already achieved whatever it is. Those that provoke the most substantial feelings within you are what you want.

3. Know the Benefits of Setting Challenging Goals

Setting goals will provide clarity and focus and can help boost your self-confidence. The right goals will inspire and motivate you. You will develop more skills and be happier and more fulfilled. With the most challenging goals, you will establish new and empowering habits that will improve your life.

4. Develop a Goal Achieving Mindset

Develop the right mindset to achieve your goals. Find your WHY for wanting to accomplish each goal. Make your goals realistic. Change your thought process to neutralize negative thoughts with positive ones. Cultivate a gratitude mindset and be prepared to leave your comfort zone. Create an empowering daily routine.

5. Use the SMART Goal Setting Process

SMART stands for specific, measurable, relevant, and time-bound. When you set SMART goals, they are never vague. Use the things that you want you identified using the critical question technique as the basis for your goals. Setting one goal is fine – never set more than 3 goals.

6. Create Plans to Achieve your Goals

You must have a detailed plan to achieve each of your goals. Break your goal down into specific tasks. Identify any new skills that you need to learn. Also, identify your strengths and weaknesses to improve the areas where you are weak. Commit to a daily plan of action and add accountability to your plan.

7. Develop your Mental Toughness

You will need mental toughness to achieve your goal(s). This will help you to overcome adversity when things go wrong. The more mentally tough you are, the easier it will be for you to achieve your goal(s). Don’t fear failure when pursuing your goals – failure is often necessary for success.

Successful people always start. They never wait for anyone or anything.  Avoid distractions and keep focused on your tasks. Develop your persistence and get organized. Never give up, as this guarantees failure.

8. Create a Daily Ritual to Achieve your Goal

An empowering daily routine will help you achieve your goal faster. Read your WHY statement and your goal for inspiration. Create daily tasks to achieve your goal. Find the right time for your routine. Use positive affirmations and express gratitude daily.

Download and listen to this episode with a journal to gain valuable insights and learn how to harness the power of your mind and create the life you desire.

More self-improvement content from the Success Radio Network Podcast is being developed for you. You got this!

***This work is not meant to replace medical or counseling guidance from a qualified practitioner. Please get professional care if you are suffering from a physical or mental disease.